Current Issue

In this issue, we address how we can Inspire Inclusion to collectively forge a safer and more inclusive world. We also explore how ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) policies can enhance corporate reputation and strengthen organizational resilience to drive tangible social impact and sustainable growth.


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Closer To Actualisation Than Mere Aspiration 

"President Kangaloo announced that this year’s International Women’s Day theme, “Inspire Inclusion” was an invitation to consider how far we have come, from aspiration to actualisation, in the struggle for gender..."


WLC 2024 - Speaker Quotes 

Revisit some of the inspiring quotes from this year's Speakers at AMCHAM T&T's Women's Leadership Conference.

Shattering The Gender Bias Barriers 

By Amy Diehl, PhD

Women in Trinidad and Tobago comprise 44.5% of managerial positions and make up only 29% of parliament. Across Latin America and the Caribbean...

My Wonky Career Path

By Breanne McIvor

There’s a coffee shop that I used to visit regularly. I usually went in around mid-afternoon in a T-shirt and...

Women in Leadership: Solivagant Or Caravan

By Shalini Rambachan Maharaj

In the evolving landscape of global leadership, women are increasingly at the forefront, driving profound...

How To Build A Brand Like A Boss 

By Chantal Pereira

Branding: it's more than just a logo or a catchy slogan—it's the essence of your business identity...

Diary Of A Leader

By Nicole Melville

The mind of a leader can be described as cogent, determined, strategic, and in many cases extraordinary...

ESG: Getting The "G" Right 

By Rachel Welch-Phillips

In recent years, the acronym "ESG" has gained significant traction in corporate boardrooms, investment circles and policy discussions...


WATT'S NEXT: Addressing The Proposed Surge In Electricity Costs In T&T


By Aneilia Missir

As the cost of living rises, SMEs are increasingly concerned about the affordability and sustainability of products and services...

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HR Tips To Inspire Inclusivity 

By Rachel Sudan

In today's rapidly evolving corporate landscape, the concept of inclusivity has transcended mere compliance with diversity...

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Empowering Women In The Energy Transition

By Gillian Chevrotiere

As the landscape of the energy sector undergoes a profound transformation, the role of women in that process of change...

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