Environment, Social & Governance
(ESG) Committee


ESG - Environmental, Social and Governance, refers to the three categories that enable businesses to measure the real sustainable and societal impact of their outputs. ESG is a response to the growing demand for transparency on sustainable and socially responsible practices in corporate management.

AMCHAM T&T's ESG Committee will act as a forum for the education and exchange of ideas on current issues affecting in the realms of ESG. We have already started working with the UN Office in T&T to develop an ESG toolkit for the local private sector.

This Committee will be in addition to our long-standing HSE Committee with opportunities for collaboration between the two, however, each will operate independently. Therefore, the ESG committee will initially focus on:

  • Understanding how ESG/Sustainability standards are applied in Trinidad and Tobago.
  • Identifying the ESG/Sustainability initiatives, accomplishments, and needs of AMCHAM T&T members.
  • Sharing of information, best practices, and lessons learned with the aim of supporting continual improvements in the ESG performance of participating AMCHAM T&T members and the wider business community.

For more information/to join this committee, please contact: Melissa Pierre at melissapierre@amchamtt.com

Committee Leadership


Indu Sharma
Director | QED Consulting Limited

Vice Chair

Giselle Grannum-Modeste
Senior Specialist - Health and Sustainability | Phoenix Park Gas Processors Limited

Vice Chair

Shinelle Grant-Sealey
Chief Officer, Project & Change Management | Guardian Holdings Limited

Have a question for our ESG Committee?                                                EMAIL  


Reflections on COP 29: Baku Azerbaijan

The UN climate conference in Baku, Azerbaijan, concluded on 24 November with an agreement calling on developed countries to deliver at least $300 billion per year to developing countries by 2035 to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions and protect lives and livelihoods from the worsening impacts of climate change. “I had hoped for a more ambitious outcome – on both finance and mitigation – to meet the great challenge we face,” UN Secretary-General António Guterres said in his statement on COP29. “But this agreement provides a base on which to build.”


Developing An ESG Ecosystem in T&T
AMCHAM T&T's Inaugural ESG Conference

ESG can provide organisations and regional economies with a lens to look at priorities, strategies, and risks to establish a pathway for long-term growth...


The ESG Landscape of Trinidad and Tobago

AMCHAM T&T, in collaboration with the UN and the University of Delaware, undertook a survey to understand where the T&T private sector was on its ESG journey... 


ESG In The Festival Space

In early May, I had the honour to be part of a panel at the American Chamber of Commerce of Trinidad and Tobago’s “ESG in the Creative Sector” conference... 


ESG: Getting the 'G' Right

In recent years, the acronym "ESG" has gained significant traction in corporate boardrooms, investment circles and policy discussions. Standing for Environmental, Social, and Governance, ESG represents... 


Shatter The Gender Bias Barriers

Women in Trinidad and Tobago comprise 44.5% of managerial positions and make up only 29% of parliament. Across Latin America and the Caribbean, just 11% of companies have a woman general manager...