31st Annual General Meeting & Business Forum
Join us for AMCHAM T&T's 31st Annual General Meeting & Business Forum!
This is an AMCHAM T&T signature event, where we announce the new AMCHAM T&T Board of Directors for the new term.
As the must-attend Business Chamber AGM of the year, it features the business trailblazers and economic thought leaders of the Western Hemisphere, who are able to add insights and offer an innovative perspective into doing Business in the Americas.
Date: Friday 7th June 2024
Venue: Hilton Trinidad & Conference Centre
1:15pm - 2:15pm - Business of the AGM - this session is for current financial members only
2:30pm - 4:30pm - Business Forum
5:00pm - 6:30pm - Networking Cocktail
Attire: Business Formal
Board Nominations 2024-2026

Giselle Thompson
Head of communications and advocacy & vice president - corporate operations

Kieron Bailey
Sr Vice President: Country Compliance Officer - Trinidad / LATAM Compliance Monitoring & MCA Lead

Stéphane Picarle
General Manager Commercial - Trinidad and Tobago
Shell, Trinidad and Tobago