Why Join AMCHAM T&T?
Increase your visibility in the community
As a new member of AMCHAM T&T, you may be listed in the Linkage magazine, on Facebook and can have the opportunity to be highlighted in other chamber publications. You also can grow your business by advertising with AMCHAM T&T and sponsoring events.
Make business contacts
AMCHAM T&T's fundamental mission is to be the preferred private sector business organisation for the stimulation of free and fair trade and investment within the Americas and the Caribbean. AMCHAM T&T initiates more business-to-business commerce and more opportunities for networking and connecting local professionals than is available through most other local organizations.
Membership brings credibility to your business
You can increase positive perception among consumers and business owners when you’re identified as a member of a chamber of commerce. If you make it known that your product or service makes great client or employee gifts, you could wind up with a very nice flow of business from your fellow members.
Access to members-only services
Services such as our Networking, Personal Introductions, and Executive Appointment Facilitation Service are available exclusively to members.
Promotion and publicity
With a chamber membership, you can reach potential clients through member exclusive advertising and opportunities for business-to-business advertising and publicity.
Acquire customer referrals
AMCHAM T&T usually receives calls from individuals and businesses looking for potential vendors, and chamber members typically recommend chamber members.
Create networking opportunities
AMCHAM T&T has numerous committees and serving on one of them provides numerous networking opportunities as well as professional leadership development. You can build your business while promoting developments of keen interest to local businesses and the community at large.
Receive AMCHAM T&T's newsletter
Our newsletter, AMCHAM T&T on the Move, reports on our advocacy on members' behalves, details important committee achievements, highlights the ways we work for members, and offers details about up-and-coming AMCHAM T&T events, among other things. We send our newsletter out every month and we always look forward to our feedback.
Benefits of Membership
Our strong mix of formidable local and international member companies; strong networking links; close association with the U.S. Embassy and alliances with the Association of American Chambers of Commerce in Latin America (AACCLA) all ensure rapid access to what you need to compete effectively both in local and overseas markets. We can therefore secure for members strategic information on doing business in a particular country; as well as set up introductions to the right business organisations or companies in the U.S. and throughout the western hemisphere.
As your door to opportunities in a globalised environment, some of AMCHAM T&T’s services are listed below.
Executive Appointment Service
How does it work? Here are the steps: –
A request for the Executive Appointment Service is sent to AMCHAM T&T in the country of your choice or to the relevant Chamber of Commerce in the U.S. Details of your company’s business, the length of your stay and the number of appointments that you would require per day are to be included in this request.
Confirmation is received from the corresponding AMCHAM or Chamber of Commerce. Research is then done to seek out best-matched companies for you to do business with. Letters are sent and dates and times of appointments are set.
Upon your arrival to that country, you will receive an itinerary of appointments and profiles of the companies that you will be meeting with. These companies, in turn, would already have received your company profile through the corresponding AMCHAM or Chamber of Commerce.
You may of course require additional services such as a meeting room with refreshments; possible site visits; taxi service etc. These can be arranged with the corresponding AMCHAM or Chamber of Commerce and is discussed individually with companies wishing to use this service.
AMCHAM Trinidad and Tobago also offers this service to foreign companies wanting to do business locally.

Access to the AMCHAM T&T Member Database
Listed AMCHAM T&T executives may request at any time from AMCHAM T&T the most updated version of our membership database highlighting companies’ names, addresses and executives’ contact information. An excel version is also available.
For more information, or to request a copy of our database, please contact Neerala Boodoo, Membership Services Assistant, neeralaboodoo@amchamtt.com
Access to current information
Each month AMCHAM T&T invites a prominent speaker to make presentations to its members. These addresses provide the most current facts, data and statistics. Some past presenters include: Robert Riley, President, BP TT LLC, Senator The Honourable Danny Montano and David Abdullah Chief Education & Research Officer, Oilfield Worker’s Trade Union. These monthly meetings are usually held at no cost to AMCHAM T&T members when the event is sponsored.

Executive Information Service
Launching a new product or service?
AMCHAM T&T’s Info Sessions are an excellent way of niche marketing to the decision makers of our 300 member companies, as well as to the wider business community. AMCHAM T&T will be responsible for sending out notices of the session to our members and the wider business community, registration, organizing the room and refreshments as well as any other administrative duties that may arise.
Event Management
(Event MUST be trade or business related)
AMCHAM T&T can arrange the logistics of your event, all arrangements including sending out invitations via email or otherwise, following for responses, coordination of logistics at venue before and after function, special invitation to ministers / diplomatic corps. Etc. An AMCHAM T&T staff member will also be present to coordinate on the day of the event.

Sponsorship Opportunities
AMCHAM T&T has a variety of events that provide unique marketing and corporate branding opportunities for its members.
Monthly Meetings: As noted above, each month AMCHAM T&T hosts a monthly meeting, in an attempt to maximize the amount of persons receiving the information that AMCHAM T&T provides, we try to source a ‘sponsor’ which we refer to as a Corporate Associate. Once these corporate associates are sourced, the meeting is hosted at no cost to AMCHAM T&T financial members. Sponsors are entitled to the following:
- Corporate Associate signage on display on the day of the programme
- Literature on the corporate associate distributed on the day
- Acknowledged formally in the Aide Memoir and Vote of Thanks
- Acknowledged as the corporate associate in the marketing of the meeting among AMCHAM T&T’s 300 member companies
AMCHAM T&T’s Annual General Meeting (AGM): Each year AMCHAM T&T hosts its AGM at which the appointment of new directors is completed, the auditors and report of the Board of Directors is read. Corporate Associates of this event are entitled to the benefits listed above.
AMCHAM T&T’s Health, Safety, Security & Environmental (H.S.S.E.) Conference: Annually, AMCHAM T&T hosts its H.S.S.E. Conference which features diverse, up-to-date and enlightening presenters from the local and international arena. The conference sheds new light on the H.S.S.E. sphere through its Certified Training, Executive Seminars, Booth Displays, Workshops & Networking Sessions. Corporate branding opportunities are limitless at this conference due to the number of persons that attend and the size of the conference.
AMCHAM T&T Citigroup Linkage Golf Tournament: This annual golf tournament has become one of the most prestigious corporate golf tournaments on the business calendar due to the level of networking opportunities that it provides. There are approximately 200 invited guests and supporters present on the day among which are usually Ministers of the Trinidad and Tobago Government, officials from the U.S. Embassy and the diplomatic corps.
AMCHAM T&T’s Trade & Investment Conference: The underlying objective of this conference is to provide a forum for the dissemination of information and exchange of opinions. AMCHAM T&T, through its Trade and Investment Committee, has always sought and obtained the involvement of eminent and knowledgeable experts to present at our conferences. Our penchant for expertise and excellence remains unabated. Corporate Associates have the opportunity to market products and services that are not only designed for the T&T market but for the international due to the nature of the conference which also focuses on issues which impact upon free and fair trade and development to promote free and fair trade among the countries of the region.
Become a AMCHAM T&T member today!
Become a member of our organization and gain access to exclusive resources, networking opportunities, and a powerful voice in shaping the future of trade and investment in the region.