Media Release - AMCHAM T&T Calls for Investigation and Transparency Following Tragic Incident at Niquan Energy Trinidad Limited


The American Chamber of Commerce of Trinidad and Tobago (AMCHAM T&T) extends our deepest sympathies to the family of Mr. Allanlane Ramkissoon, who succumbed to his injuries on June 18th, 2023, following a tragic incident at Niquan Energy Trinidad Limited. 

Creating safe workplaces is a priority for AMCHAM T&T and our members. As such we welcome the investigation by the Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries as well as what we expect will be a similar investigation by the Occupational Safety and Health Authority. If carried out expeditiously and the findings made public when appropriate to so do, this can play a part in reinstalling public trust in our institutions. Therefore, it is vital that the authorities ensure a fully transparent and independent investigation that will provide much-needed answers to relatives and the national community. 

While the findings of such investigations cannot reduce the pain being experienced by Mr. Ramkissoon’s loved ones, they can assist in reducing the likelihood of similar incidents in the future.

For further questions or comments please contact: Nirad Tewarie, CEO AMCHAM T&T at


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