AMCHAM T&T Celebrates AACCLA Day 2017

AMCHAM T&T Celebrated AACCLA Day 2017

In celebration of AACCLA's 50th Anniversary, the 24 AmChams in Latin America and the Caribbean and all members of the US Chamber of Commerce participated in AACCLA DAY. Each AmCham did volunteer work in their respective countries. The idea behind the initiative is to undertake projects that positively impact citizens at the local level, with spillover benefits to the region.

AMCHAM T&T decided to do a number of activities focused on positive youth engagement in T&T. We collaborated with the St. James Police Youth Club and the Russell Latapy Government High School.

The St. James Police Youth Club, like AMCHAM T&T, is celebrating its 25th Anniversary in 2017.

The PYC’s motto: “Join a club and not a gang” is relevant now, more than ever before.

As part of our outreach activities, AMCHAM T&T through its security Committee has adopted the PYC. The PYC supports preventive policing, exposing young people to productive activities in education, sports, culture, spirituality, community service, life skills, and employment as alternatives to crime, juvenile delinquency, and drugs.

The club also has a resident program for 8-10 young men, between the ages of 12-18 who reside on the premises. The PYC’s vacation camp is free of charge to children and runs from 17th July 2017 to August 31st. It facilitates almost 100 campers ranging in age from 3 years old to 21 years old

Our aim was to expose the children to activities (and possible career paths) that they would not traditionally consider given their background. To expose them to new opportunities and ways of thinking - while still involving the business community

Our areas of focus included

● Arts and Entertainment

● Science and Technology

● Aviation

● Energy sector

● Environmental sustainability 

This initiative gave campers a sense of what goes on at the various companies.

The hope is that the activities are not only fun but also insightful and educate participants on various environmental issues and economic sectors, perhaps presenting possible career choices to the PYC members

Russell Latapy Government High School

AMCHAM T&T is embarking on a new Corporate Social Responsibility initiative involving the form 1 classes of the Russell Latapy Government High School.

This school is among several secondary schools throughout Trinidad that have received negative publicity and faces many challenges that inhibit its students’ abilities to reach their potential.

On Sunday 28th August, AMCHAM T&T met with representatives from partnering organisations -the WAND Foundation, the Pan American Health Organization, UTT, and the Ministry of Health, to discuss the plans going forward to implement a positive program for the students.

Some of the areas in which the program will focus include health & wellness, nutrition, counselling, conflict resolution, and field trips.

Click on the link to view a short video of our AACCLA Day activities.

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