By Colin Harris  
Security Coordinator, Phoenix Park Gas Processors Limited.


I t is all good and well to articulate catchphrases, but how often do we take it on board? 
We are experiencing some of the most profound security scenarios in recent times, and yet it does not appear as if there has been any sufficient effort across society to actually learn, empower, and sustain in order to better cope with these challenges.

There are three unique security scenarios—Active Shooter (Assailant); Bomb Threats; and Cybersecurity—that we have watched go by without learning how to prevent and respond, empowering others to do so, and ultimately maintaining practices to sustain our ability to handle these scenarios.

An Active Shooter (Assailant) scenario happens when a person or group of persons willfully and freely engage in the use of deadly weapons against either selected or random persons in a public place, at a time of high pedestrian traffic. One may be guided to also use the term ‘active assaillant’ as the violence may not necessarily be perpetrated by firearms but may take the form of bladed tools (knives), weighted blunt implements (hammer, baseball bat), or toxic, corrosive chemicals (acids). 

On 19 September 2022, there was an active shooting incident at a major retail outlet in south Trinidad, that was a classic example, with multiple fatalities, right before our very eyes. What have we done since then?

The YouTube link, gives very helpful insight into how to respond to this scenario. 

Bomb Threat calls occur when some form of telephone, handwritten or electronic media notification is sent to single or multiple locations, purporting that there is a bomb hidden at the location. Our current practices require the immediate evacuation of the impacted location.Historically, 99% of these calls are hoaxes, as terrorist groups that intend to destroy places with explosive devices typically do not forewarn, they blow up and then claim responsibility for the act. The hoax call is meant to cause disruption, panic and emotional and economic instability. There is no real way to prevent these situations except for having a properly documented and well-rehearsed response plan. In other words, once the perpetrators see that you remain calm, do your clearance checks and resume normal activity, it will be less likely that they will want to repeat the act.

On 28 April 2023, bomb threat calls were received by dozens of primary and secondary schools across Trinidad, resulting in widespread panic, confusion, and chaotic road traffic. This fallout is preventable, once the proper guidelines and training are implemented. What have we done since then?

The You Tube link offers excellent guidance on how to respond to this scenario.

Cybersecurity is the discipline that deals with any form of loss prevention from contact with cyberspace or the internet. Losses can be financial, reputational or outright disruption to operating systems and livelihoods. Cyberspace is touted in some circles as guaranteed to be one of the major theatres for any subsequent conflict amongst nations across the world. The way things are now, Cybersecurity awareness training is as vital as the handwashing, mask-wearing and social distancing that we insisted on during the height of the pandemic—and that is putting it mildly! One can in fact argue that it is the new silent pandemic. 

Only three working days prior to the writing of this article, there was news coverage, right here in Trinidad & Tobago, about unauthorised funds leaving customers' credit cards. It involved a reputable financial institution and a reputable major retail outlet. The circumstances are possibly consistent with the known cybersecurity concerns that affect the financial and retail industry.

I suppose by now you can tell I am a YouTube fan like many of you, but for what it is worth, the link will no doubt be of tremendous guidance to prevent from falling victim to cybercrime.



Colin Harris is the Security Coordinator of the Phoenix Park Gas Processors Limited.